Garcia, Lilian C.2024-10-082024-10-0820202020Garcia, L. C. (2020). Inspirational section. Fisearch: Official newsletter of the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, 2(2), 14. decided to include this section in the quarterly publication of Fisearch to inspire the readers about spirituality. The cares of this fastpaced world add undesirable baggage to our daily burdens. We deserve more than that. I believe that there is more to life than seeking the cares of this world. Life is also about feeding our hearts and souls with God's presence so that we may have peace and enjoy life. But in reality, it's not always like that. Usually, when troubles come, instead of turning to God for help, we try to solve it by ourselves. We are blind to what God can do in our situations.PDFengBible--LCSHInspiration--Religious aspects--LCSHBible--Inspiration--LCSH_labelbestInspirational SectionNewsletter ArticleSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingSDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong InstitutionsSDG 17 - Partnerships for the GoalsIRC00044IMC000301